Monday, September 6, 2010

Free Blogger Template, Easy Loading

First, i would like to say thank you for using this template. I made this template for the progress of blogs with Blogger Platform. I made this template with a lot of time, and even less time consuming and my activity self. But it did not matter to me. As long as we do something postif, would provide a useful thing. Please use this template with respect to the following rules :

First, do not change the credit link at the bottom of this template. delete or modify this template links, as well as premises did not appreciate my work. Second, this template for free, not for sale. for it is forbidden to sell this template to any company or business without my knowledge, and Third, after you see a live demo of this template, please leave your comment. this is important as an input for me to make a template that is much better in the future.


To use this template, is very simple way. But there are some things that need you know on some parts of this template, so you can get maximum results. This template provides advantages, especially this template its so FAST LOADING PAGE. This is because this template uses only one image are used in the background body. Besides, these templates are also ready for adsense, namely section header with the size of 728x90, 120px width sidebar and a column 300px and 300px width footter well.

This template header section, there are TWO COLUMNS. The first is a column for the header and description of your left hand. The size of this column is 240px wide, while the height is up to you. However, I scored so high the size you use is 90px, so balanced with the high in the second column. Important note, if you want to install this header on the logo image column, please make a logo with pure black background. While the second column on the right there, specifically for installing the widget with width 728px and height 90px, really ideal for installing your adsense size.

For the navigation, this template gives you a horizontal navigation facilities with a view that is quite simple but delicious to the eye. Navigation template also comes with google search engine widgets facilities ready for use. You do not need to do anything else. To change the url link on the navigas this, please open a tab to edit your html (you do not have to expand), and search code or menuhorisontal menupic. Please change the code # with a link what you needed.

This template also comes with standard SEO techniques. You only replace or install the descriptions and keywords for your blog at the top of your template css. The tricks is, find words meta content at the top and replacing the word your description here with a description of your blog, and your words here with keyword keyword your blog.This is all of usage instructions for this template, I hope you enjoy using it. If you have any questions, please contact me via email at: bloggerisland [at]


  1. Thankyou for submit your template to

    Your template published. The link is :

    Link download still yours



  2. Ireng Ajah : Thank you, i really appreciate that. Hope i will contribute another template soon as long as i can.

  3. Yudhie : thank you, hope you enjoyed.

  4. hi, bloggermaps. thanks for sharing easy-loading themes. i use this themes for my blog >> and i have one question for u: why i can't put text ads on header after my image..? or that only for image ads and that's ads only from AMAZON site..?

    klo bhs linggis nya elantakan soli ya masih belajal, :P

  5. I am reading your blog from last few weeks and I like your free blogger themes . I have just created one free blog templates collection on my blog and added few of your templates in it . I hope you will like this collection .

    50 Free Blog Templates for Blogspot


  6. Nice template. i like it! permission download ....! ahmad

  7. thank a lot of really good templates

  8. wah kebetulan lagi nyari magazine template...

    kalo widget2 boleh donk di ganti-ganti? :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. upss, link download di ziddu ga bisa gan...

  11. i want drop down menu for this template please help me..
    mail me at
